Coconut Oil Vantage is a unique and very rare product. Unlike other vegetable oils, it is one of the healthiest foods and has no analogues. Coconut oil can be used in cooking (instead of any other fats), cosmetology (has an excellent effect on the skin and hair), as well as a tasty and natural remedy for health.
Product of the Year 2020 PRODEXPO in Moscow
Vantage Oil, a centrifuged cold pressed product, is the highest quality you can get.
Coconut Oil Vantage Medicinal Oil:
- Increases immunity, energy and stamina.
- Natural antiseptic and antioxidant.
- It has antibacterial and antiviral effects.
- Helps to get rid of fungal diseases.
- Stimulates metabolism and improves digestive processes.
- Normalizes hormonal balance.
- Improves cholesterol.
- Helps to improve the condition in chronic diseases.
- Blocks the effects of a wide range of toxins and free radicals.
- Suitable for diabetics.
- Helps to lose weight.
In this coconut oil:
- 100% organic (natural product).
- Obtained by cold pressing and centrifugal separation (not subjected to heat treatment).
- When using does not emit carcinogens.
- It does not oxidize during storage in air.
- Unrefined: the product is fragrant, natural, retains all the beneficial properties.
- Not bleached, not deodorized.
- Alkaline product.
Vantage Coconut Oil is obtained from coconut pulp by cold centrifuge. At room temperature, coconut oil is relatively solid, light in color. The product receives the aroma of fresh coconut, ideal for baking and frying, dressing salads, smoothies, cereals, cooking homemade sauces, etc.
Vantage oil has been certified by USDA, Organic EU, JAS, Halal, GMP, FDA.
Coconut Oil Properties
The composition includes:
- Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs / MCTs). A rare variety of useful fatty acids that do not accumulate in the body are not stored as “reserves” of subcutaneous fat, but are immediately delivered to the liver for energy.
- Lauric acid. In addition to coconut oil, this substance is found only in breast milk, which we feed children up to a year.
As a result, the product raises the level of healthy cholesterol, positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system, boosts immunity, positively affects metabolism, etc.
Coconut oil is a great antioxidant, immunomodulator and, at the same time, an antiseptic. Therefore, people who use it for cooking practically do not get colds and rarely get infected with viral diseases even during periods of epidemic.
Application and benefits
- For good health. This oil belongs to the category "medicinal oil", as it has a real healing effect on the human body. In addition to all the above advantages, the product has hypoallergenic properties, has no contraindications or any side effects. It helps to heal and protect the skin (including the sun) from burns, improves the digestive tract, the cardiovascular system, improves immunity, normalizes hormonal balance, and helps to lose weight.
- In cooking. Coconut oil is also delicious. Even when heated, it does not emit carcinogens, is resistant to high temperatures, does not oxidize when interacting with oxygen, and does not and does not emit toxins as a result of use. This oil is absolutely safe and very healthy.
- Натуральная косметика. Масло благотворно влияет на кожу. Может использоваться в качестве увлажняющего средства для ухода за руками, лицом и телом. Подходит для любого типа кожи, хорошо впитывается, не забивает поры, помогает быстро доставлять активные компоненты к более глубоким слоям дермы. Хорошо восстанавливает волосы, ослабленные окрашиванием или по другим причинам. Шампуни изготавливаются на его основе, в натуральном виде его можно использовать как средство от волос. Может использоваться в качестве бальзама для загара или губ.
Кокосовое масло - это действительно полезный продукт, который сочетает в себе превосходные кулинарные качества и, несомненно, положительно влияет на здоровье